To be honest, I never had any problems getting hold of a Switch. (I know lot of people genuinely did though) but for a long while now I keep seeing them regularly turn up in all sorts of places (even on amazon), so tends to on;y be temporarily that they go out of availabilty, and they always come back before long.
However, there is one item for the switch that I really AM having a hard time getting hold of...
The Zelda amiibo for breath of the wild! (don't get me wrong, I've seen scalpers trying to get away with selling it for a hundred bucks, and even more in some cases), but there is absolutely no way I would ever pay that much for an amiibo, no matter how hard to get hold of it is, not even for Zelda). It's not even the greatest of all the BotW amiibos anyway, and is probably my least favorite of the set. So the scalpers can do a running longjump off a short pier if they think I'm going to buckle on that one. Will get it as soon as it's available at its proper RRP from a respectable seller, but not until. (It's not like it's a limited edition or anything like the NES Classic was, so I know this amiibo will be back in supply from Nintendo eventually). Besides, plenty more I can use in the meantime. (all the zelda amiibos have the same functionality in most games, so I'm really not missing anything I can't do without). Patience is a virtue, and I refuse to feed the scalping rascals who spoil it for everyone else. It only encourages them.