Wii Switching to Wii U


New Member
Feb 10, 2015
Should I switch from my regular Wii to a Wii U? Is it worth the expense? What is so much better about Wii U?
I bought a Wii U recently and am finally in the process of switching. The biggest advantage over the Wii is that you will be finally getting a true HD picture from a Nintendo console. I still can't get over the fact that many Wii (and GameCube) games look so bad (ahem, Skyward Sword) on modern HDTVs. So with the Wii U, you can finally start expanding your collection to include HD games that will look great on an HDTV. It finally comes with an HDMI cable too lol.

A Wii really doesn't belong connected to an HDTV. If you still have an SDTV in your house, you can connect your Wii to it if you feel like playing older games sometimes. That way you can have the best of both worlds.

There are also disadvantages to using a Wii U compared to the old Wii. There are no more GameCube controller ports, and the adapter sold my Nintendo is clunky and takes a lot of space (as well as 2 USB ports on the front of your Wii U). The GamePad controller is also clunky and kind of ugly. It's made of cheap plastic and is generally not well designed. The system menu feels like an operating system from the early 2000s. There are frequent delays and unnecessary prompts, which you'll notice it as soon as you try using the Transfer Channel to convert your Wii data to the Wii U. The user interface is not nearly as smooth as the Xbox and Playstation dashboards.

Wii U is not perfect by any means, and Nintendo still has a lot to learn in designing a modern console. But overall it's still an upgrade over the Wii.
^ those are all great points, except i find the gamepad to be very friendly, and smooth. (WW and Pikmin 3 made great use of it.)

without knowing your tastes in games, id say a huge reason is the Virtual Console. There are so many games out now, new and old, no one can say that there isn't anything to play on the wii u. Smash Bros, Hyrule Warriors, MK8, Nintendoland, all in HD, all are a blast.

if you do upgrade, i suggest getting the Deluxe, 32 GB set. the memory goes pretty quick. Super Luigi U took quite a few GB
Professor E. Gradd that is much needed information. The hubs and I have been debating over which to upgrade (Playstation4 or WiiU) but after your testimony, I will definitely be waiting to upgrade my Wii.

I still frequently play my regular Wii- games are very cheap at pawn shops and such, Just Dance is my favorite form of physical activity, and the biggest reason for wanting to upgrade was for the new Mario and Zelda games.

However, I am sure other Nintendo fans have also noticed these same downfalls, and hopefully Nintendo is working on a way to "step it up." There is too much good history with Nintendo for them not to be more advanced in their gaming systems. I am not saying they should have features identical to that of Xbox or Playstation, but perhaps something genuine, unique and comparable.
Not much is different from the wii to the wii u. Just sell your wii and switch over already.
I would never sell my Wii. I wouldn't get much for it and it plays GameCube games.

However, since I found out that Kingdom Hearts 3 is not releasing until 2017, I am seriously considering upgrading to the Wii-U first. Especially so I can enjoy the new Zelda game that is supposed to release this year :]
^have you seen/tried Hyrule Warriors? my daughter and i have played this more than any other wii u games combined (we have all the marios, MK8, SSB wii u, etc). with the dlc, we've spent over 100$ total on this game. its quite addictive. you seem to be a big Zelda fan, i'd recommend this to anyone.

in other words, its a good reason to have a wii u, if you need one.
I also had a hard time when it came time to switch over from my wii to the wii u. I really think that it was a good decision though because I have not regretted it since and it has been a lot of fun playing the great titles that the console has. I will tell you that I really had a hard time at first and I was thinking that I will never be able to give it up but when you get the chance to pay a sweet game like the new Super Smash Bros you will see that it was really worth it in the end.
Super Smash Brothers has been another reason I have been wanting a Wii-U. I can't wait to upgrade. I may disappear for awhile from the forum at that time ^_^ Hopefully I will remember to keep in touch as I am going through the games, instead of rushing from one game to the other and forgetting some important notes about them along the way.
I think you should figure out what would make it worth it to you. Meaning everyone has something they're looking for. It could be games, graphics, changes, etc. All you're going to get here are people's opinions about the things you might care for & you might not care for. Based on you asking a loaded question like: What's so great about the Wii U. I feel like you might be leaning toward 'no'.
If you get a WII U I think that Super Smash brothers is that game that will make that console worthwhile. That game is the best thing that has happened to the console.
Ya know, I really enjoyed playing it on my N64 with my siblings growing up. I just haven't played the one I have for the regular Wii because I couldn't get into it, plus no one else played with. But I have heard many good rumors about the one for Wii-U. I am sincerely looking for regular part-time work right now so I can upgrade ASAP! Nothing like some good games to keep me motivated and busy ^^ But, is there an online mode for the new Super Smash Bros? I am so behind with technology ><
I've never thought about switching just because I have always thought the Wii was much better. I like all the games that you can play with it. I have seen the WiiU on the market before, and wasn't impressed with it. I think that it's just another way for the Wii people to make money. I mean that's why all these game systems have a new one come out every so often right? I'm sure that Wii is just trying to keep up with the other game companies at this point. I just think that it would be a waste of time.
^idk what kind of games you enjoy but i think you're missing out. the wii u has some very FUN games: Splatoon MK8 Smash Hyrule Warriors.
^idk what kind of games you enjoy but i think you're missing out. the wii u has some very FUN games: Splatoon MK8 Smash Hyrule Warriors.

I mean I'm not really into those games. The ones that I really liked to play on the Wii was the sports games. I liked being able to play against my friends on that. Otherwise the only other games that I really have loved are the first person shooter games.
I mean I'm not really into those games. The ones that I really liked to play on the Wii was the sports games. I liked being able to play against my friends on that. Otherwise the only other games that I really have loved are the first person shooter games.

yeah, other than Splatoon you may not need a wii u.its insanely fun, but idk if its worth buying a wii u just for one game
yeah, other than Splatoon you may not need a wii u.its insanely fun, but idk if its worth buying a wii u just for one game

Yeah, that's true. I mean I haven't really looked into the WiiU games so I don't know if there would be some that I would like. I just have a hard time finding a good game because I can be so picky. I hate that I am because I know that there are a lot of good games out there that I am missing out on.

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