Hey everyone! What's your most favorite Wii U game? I think I mentioned this in one of the earlier threads, but my favorite has to be Mario Kart 8. I think Mario Kart 8 just took the franchise to a whole different level, and it was a really enjoyable game filled with some truly great characters! (Loved Link in DLC, but some of my other favorite characters include: Shy Guy, Lemmy, Metal Mario and Lakitu. Haha I've always wanted to play as Shy Guy, I think it was a great idea for Nintendo to add him in). In general I'm a big fan of the Mario Kart series and I pretty much own all the Mario Kart games, so I guessed this post was slightly biased haha, but still I'm just being honest! The only character I wish they added was that "Skeleton Koopa" (from Super Mario Bros Wii), it would have been really fun to play as him. Also, I feel like they should add special items that only certain characters can use in the gameplay (Nintendo if your listening, this is a great idea you should consider!). Anyways, what's your favorite Wii U game?