DS The only thing I miss on my 3DS


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
Is the use of my R4/Acekard cards :( I used to have my entire DS collection on 1 cartridge but sadly they don't run in the 3DS which really bites IMO. :(
Anyone else ever have R4 cards for their older DS models?
Smokey said:
Is the use of my R4/Acekard cards :( I used to have my entire DS collection on 1 cartridge but sadly they don't run in the 3DS which really bites IMO. :(
Anyone else ever have R4 cards for their older DS models?
I had my games backed up on a Cyclo DS Evo card, which was highly convenient. I was working in an ad department for a textile company and had to do a lot of unpleasant corporate styled travelling. (Lots of really seedy hotel rooms in places you don't really want to be). So I bought a DS specifically to give me some entertainment and the Cyclo card really made life easier because I wasn't constantly at threat of losing my games. I MAY have abused the save state feature once or twice. I'm only human!
Yep, me too. I had the EZflash card on my first DS, and then I bought an R4 for my DSi. As Smokey said, it was so easy and comfortable having more than 10 games on just one cartridge, you're going on a trip around town, taking the bus and/or subway, you can put you DS in your pocket and switch from 30 different titles on-the-go... If I take my 3DS to a trip like that I'm bound to play only one game, or take the console in one pocket, and another pocket full of loose cartridges?!
A really nice compromise between having these flash cards available, which greatly contribute to game piracy and tempt developers into indulging in all manner of rotten DRM methods to secure their property, would be to equip these handhelds with the capability of uploading a couple games onto an onboard harddrive. Make it a big enough drive for two or three to be directly on your handheld without needing the cartidges.
That wouldn't work either because people would basically buy the game and then re-sell it once they downloaded it to their 'system'. What's stopping someone from going to a store, buying a $40 game, going home, downloading it onto their console then returning the game to the store a few days later for a full refund? :p
I've never used one of these R4 cards. If I'm not mistaken, I heard that Nintendo seriously clamped down on those selling these cards several years ago. My local game importer was planning on bringing them in, but then experienced difficulty in sourcing them from his usual suppliers. I don't mind if Nintendo was responsible for making such a move, if it protects developers from having their games pirated.

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