The worst Mario games

The worst Mario game at least to me that I think has to be Mario Tennis and Mario Golf. I really did not like those games at all. I really think that they were not fun to play and that they should not have been made but I guess that is just my opinion.
Mario Tennis and Golf were always kind of meh for me, too. They just felt like regular sports games with the characters thrown in. Compared to a game like Mega Man Soccer, which was a really enjoyable sports game that didn't make you think "why is this Mega Man?", I felt like they could have done a little more with them.
Yeah I just think that they went a bit to far when they made these Mario games I just think at they should have kept Mario where he was in the party games and in the plat former and world games you know.
I agree those games really sucked. They got you all excited about playing a game with Mario when really it is just tennis and golf. What a disappointment. I just felt as if they would have put more effort into making the game more like the Mario games we are all used to then I think it would have been a lot better.
The controls of some of those games made it feel clunky and some characters just looked I really weird playing tennis. Like bowser he just looks big and clunky on a tennis court.
I agree those games really sucked. They got you all excited about playing a game with Mario when really it is just tennis and golf. What a disappointment. I just felt as if they would have put more effort into making the game more like the Mario games we are all used to then I think it would have been a lot better.
Yeah, it's disappointing when you see Mario on a game and it doesn't have the same quality level as other Mario titles. They could have incorporated more "Mario" elements into the games to make them more than just being golf and tennis.
The game known as "Mario Soccer" was an abomination to the mario franchise. Sports games and mario should have never come together, Nintendo should have left these kind of things to EA. The controls were terrible and the game play was the worst I have ever experience in a sports game ever.
I have to say that Mario Party is one of my least favorite; along with Mario Baseball.

I liked Mario Party the first few times I played it, but the novelty of playing that game again and again in order to get all the mini games. I honestly do think I could take another moment of playing that game if that's what's required. (Somehow, my brother was able to do it. All the power to him because I don't have the patience for it. Especially since it's luck based.)

Mario Baseball was another fun game for me, initially. The tutorials seemed simple enough until you got to one tutorial that tried to throw your arm out the socket. -.- No matter what I did for the movement, the damn thing kept saying I was doing it wrong. This was for, I think, doing the powered up hits and trying to get the ball with two people. I couldn't do it for the life of me and had to depend on the basic things they taught in order to win. I hoped upon hope that the opponent didn't use their specials to win.
Yeah, sometimes the Mario Party games can get pretty annoying. I've been in more than one situation with some friends where things got way too intense because of those minigames :p

And Mario Baseball just seems like a good idea on paper. Just didn't turn out the way Nintendo thought it would.
I didn't really like Mario RPG that much. It's strange because some are my favorite games are either RPGs or have RPG elements to them. I didn't really get very far in the game so that might explain a lot, maybe it got better.

I was never really a fan of the Paper Mario series either. I would watch my friends play and I would always pass on a turn because it just didn't look interesting.
If you like RPGs, you should give it another try. The story goes to some fun places, and the combat system does get more fun as you get new characters and new abilities. How far in did you get?
I have to say that Mario Party is one of my least favorite; along with Mario Baseball.

You hate Mario Party? That is really a first because I do not think that I have ever seen a person that hates Mario party. I could understand you hating Mario Baseball because I really do not find those games fun but Mario Party to me is one of the Mario games that I would die to play.
I've never heard of anyone hating Mario Party either. I mean, some of the games are really obnoxious but most games have that quality. I am a huge fan of Mario Party and when my friends and I play, we do get really competitive but that's the fun of it. And not all of the mini games are luck based.

Anyway, I also agree that sports and Mario should never mix. They just don't go over that well.
For whatever reason, I absolutely hated Super Mario 2 for the NES. I don't know what it was about the game that I disliked, but it was not fun to me at all. As a child of the '80s, I compare it to the Back to the Future trilogy. As good as the first and third installments were, I thought the second movie was horrible. It seemed out of place with the rest of the series. Perhaps the two are connected, but for me, Super Mario 2 is my least favorite game in the franchise.
I haven't heard anyone compare the original Super Mario Bros trilogy to the Back to the Future trilogy, but it makes a lot of sense. The middle installments for both are totally out of place compared to the others!

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