The Xbox One is dead to me... now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2013
I thought it was a possible purchase. I thought it might have potential. I thought Microsoft was smarter than it apparently is. Then E3 happened and all the worse rumors came true. The internet connection that needs to happen at least once every 24 hours or your console becomes a paperweight. The fact you're licensing your games rather than outright buying them. How getting banhammered (accidently or otherwise) makes your console a paperweight. I mean it's a mess and there is nothing that can save it now... unless maybe they just scrape the whole thing and produce something else. Oh, well. At least I still have Nintendo.. and Sony I guess. Thoughts? Comments?
Well that's all bust now. Now that they've changed their minds on the always-online thing, people are still finding things to complain about. I wasn't planning on getting one anytime soon, but I'm more likely to get one sooner now because of the latest announcement. The always-online thing wasn't a dealbreaker to me once they revealed all the details, since my Xbox 360 slim is already technically always online.
Eh, I don't trust them now. So I'm just going to skip the whole thing. As I said they are dead to me... just completely dead. I mean they only changed because everyone hated on it so hard, but they originally thought this thing would work out. So how can I trust them not to make the same sort of stupidity as the console cycle continues forward? I can't and I don't intend to get screwed over later. So Xbone is shelved.
The only way I will buy an Xbox one is if Banjo Threeie comes out for it. If that doesn't happen, no Xbox one for me. ( and it most likely will no happen)

We all know that the XBOX ONE is going to be a power house of gaming activity for the next few years. It even looks like its going to smash the PS4!

But the fact of the matter is Nintendo will always make the best home consoles for friends and family to come over and play and the most fun games as opposed to this single player gaming lifestyle and the need for a console each to play multiplayer that Microsoft and SONY have forced us into!
Really! The X1 looks like it will be SMASHED BY PS4, pS4 has loads better RAM architecture and speed. It's GPu is also a 2 TF compared to the X1s
Joker99352 said:
Well that's all bust now. Now that they've changed their minds on the always-online thing, people are still finding things to complain about. I wasn't planning on getting one anytime soon, but I'm more likely to get one sooner now because of the latest announcement. The always-online thing wasn't a dealbreaker to me once they revealed all the details, since my Xbox 360 slim is already technically always online.
I think people should still find things to complain about. Microsoft swore that the DRM situation could not be changed, then a bit of consumer complaint and BOOM! it can be changed. Microsoft is clearly prepared to lie to defend whatever position they feel will make them the most money (which, of course, most corporations would, so no judgment necessarily). I agree with Esperahol; Microsoft cannot be trusted...
When I found out about the Xbox One I got really excited. The disappointment I felt when I learned more about the system almost put me into a depression. What is microsoft thinking? Why would they require internet access to play? You can't simply go and buy the games........WHAT? It sounds to me like Microsoft is just money grubbing now. I hope the PS4 and the Nintendo crush the Xbox One and teach Microsoft a lesson.
Xbox is still probably going to have the best online services of the 3 consoles. Microsoft has the best network engineering team who have honed the skills with 13 years of experience since the launch of the first Xbox while Sony's been slacking and Nintendo has been sitting on their ass. Xbox Live is an amazing service, there's no disputing that.

Unless you're playing retro games, offline gaming is not going to stay around that much longer, I think.
Having the option to play offline is still important to many people. I never really liked getting on Xbox Live to play against people that do nothing but practice their game skills all day. I still enjoy split screen play with my brother. You may be right in saying that offline gaming may be a dying breed, but that will certainly drive me to play more retro games.
If offline gaming dies, I will stop modern gaming. I enjoy having my own experience without other 12 year olds yelling at me and telling me they want to have relations with my mom. Single player games are often the most immersive, and I love immersive games. Although I do like playing mario kart online, because I kill at it ;)
Microsoft's PR people have been stepping in it lately, but their views don't represent the views of the company as a whole. I know that sounds like something a PR person would say, but I think people get too hung up on the poor word choices than anything else. The console is still a ways away from being released and so technically everything is subject to change. People who pre-ordered consoles can cancel their orders if they don't like the changes, but I expect that isn't going to happen.

Also, there's a difference between the always-online idea and multiplayer. The only requirement, which they've done away with, was required to play the single player game. That's why people didn't like the idea and why it was subsequently scrapped.
BanjoKazooie said:
If offline gaming dies, I will stop modern gaming. I enjoy having my own experience without other 12 year olds yelling at me and telling me they want to have relations with my mom. Single player games are often the most immersive, and I love immersive games. Although I do like playing mario kart online, because I kill at it ;)
I completely agree with you. Offline gaming is far more important to me then online features. Every online game I have ever played has either been a first person shooter or a hack and slash game. While these games are often enjoyable, they do get old after a while. Role playing games never get old to me :rolleyes:
BanjoKazooie said:
If offline gaming dies, I will stop modern gaming. I enjoy having my own experience without other 12 year olds yelling at me and telling me they want to have relations with my mom. Single player games are often the most immersive, and I love immersive games. Although I do like playing mario kart online, because I kill at it ;)
AMEN! The number of pre-teen douche bags online is just ridiculous! COD is just a noob factory these days so, I just play it on my PC even though I have it on the 360!

I love single player gaming too. Some of my favourite games a Soul Reaver 2: Legacy of Kain (PS2, Ocarina Of Time (N64) and Fallout 3 (360) all of which do not require a connection to play and are fully 'immersible' when one is alone and wanting to zone into the world of gaming.

This whole connecting every 24 hours (FOR WHAT!?) is just silly. I really have liked Microsoft since Windows 98 but, damn, you guys fell off, big time!
I like playing multiplayer, but if I was forced to choose online or offline, I would almost certainly choose offline. Don't get me wrong; I like a decent multiplayer match every once in a while. but there's no real substance there. That said, the rumors of the online-only requirement aren't even true anymore.
To me, the fact that they are no longer true doesn't matter, likewise will all the other features the Xbox One ditched. What does matter, is that Microsoft was even considering these things. I hope the Sony smashes the Xbox and sends Microsoft out of the market. Perhaps a different company will bring competition in the future.
I have heard some "experts" say this (Xbox One and PS4) will be the last generation of game systems as we know them. Basically what these people are saying, is that the future generations will be more like Netflix. Whether or not this is true, I don't know, but it could be really interesting. You would just have a simple box and memory card, and pay a monthly subscription to use whatever games you wanted.
Well... this thread has certain gotten about. I will say that I agree with some point and very much disagree with others.


1.) The day single player dies is the day I give up on moving forward with gaming. I don't game so I can deal with childish idiots and shallow mechanics. I game so I can explore worlds and hacks and stories and whatever else. I game to unwind and that's fairly hard to do when you're playing on a deadline.

2.) Microsoft honestly cannot be trusted at this point, because if they can backpedal this hard then all their hardline talk previously was just them blowing it out their tailpipe. They basicially fulfilled the stereotype of Microsoft the ever greedy corporation and I'm not really looking to support that kind of behavior.


1.) I seriously doubt single player will ever really die off. I mean look at what can be done with single player - The Last of Us, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Shadow of the Colossus etc. That sort of depth and experience isn't ever likely to be a multiplayer thing. The resources and such just aren't there really and that's understandable when you're dealing with at least a couple of thousand players at a time.

2.) The Netflix model isn't likely to work any better than the nonsense Microsoft was trying to put forward. Games are not small sets of data, they are freaking huge and the kind of digital infrastructure needed to make this sort of system possible simply doesn't exist. Moreover when it does finally come about it isn't likely to be affordable for most gamers so... yeah.
I have no interest in getting the Xbox One. If anything, I will get a Wii U for my apartment next year in college but other than that.. no way am I upgrading. I love my 360 and I just like the games on it and the Xbox One seems overrated and really expensive.
The thing is, there's still going to be a market for the XBone. Those little 12-year olds are probably going to beg their parents to get them one of those, and it's very unlikely that they would care about the controversy surrounding it. Personally I think the XBone it trying to be a gaming console and a cable box, but that's just silly. They're trying to spread out, but they reduce overall quality and player satisfaction in return.
zestytomato said:
The thing is, there's still going to be a market for the XBone. Those little 12-year olds are probably going to beg their parents to get them one of those, and it's very unlikely that they would care about the controversy surrounding it. Personally I think the XBone it trying to be a gaming console and a cable box, but that's just silly. They're trying to spread out, but they reduce overall quality and player satisfaction in return.
Of course there will be a market - but it isn't one for 12 year olds and Microsoft knows that. Microsoft if trying to get at the 30 year old males with disposable income out there. Unfortunately they're doing it at the expense of a much larger market that contains kids who can grow with them. That's half of Nintendo's revenue right there: nostalgia and brand recognition. But whatever Xbone is still dead to me.

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