3DS Underrated 3DS games

Luigi's Mansion, BRAVELY DEFAULT, Mario Golf World Tour. I will be trying Fantasy Life soon, so probably that as well
I know luigi's mansion is a good game I always wanted to play that one I've also heard mario golf would tour is a good game but am not sure about bravery default I've always wanted to try it tho
From what I seen Bravely Default got good reviews so not sure if I can say that was underrated.

A lot of games can be considered underrated like Kid Icarus games that was on 3ds. Shinobi on 3ds.
Ghost Recon Shadow Wars is great, especially if you like the Advance Wars games. I also throw a vote out there for Etrian Odyssey IV which is an RPG that very few people I've talked too have even heard. The difficulty level can get tough at times and dungeon crawlers are certainly not for everyone but if you are a fan of some of those classic RPGs and want to try something that has some modern improvements this is a great game to just into the series with.
Ive heard of ghost recon but never played it and i know the kid icarus games are underated
Kid Icarus: Uprising is pretty underrated. Regardless of how you feel about the controls the game itself is great. Just for the heck of it I find Pokemon X/Y overrated. Incredibly overrated. Kalos could not have been more boring and they didn't change much when it came to the normal formula.
Ghost Recon Shadow Wars is great, especially if you like the Advance Wars games. I also throw a vote out there for Etrian Odyssey IV which is an RPG that very few people I've talked too have even heard. The difficulty level can get tough at times and dungeon crawlers are certainly not for everyone but if you are a fan of some of those classic RPGs and want to try something that has some modern improvements this is a great game to just into the series with.

Never even heard of that game, but I love Ghost Recon and I love Advance Wars, so whenever I get around to getting my 3DS I'll be picking that up for sure! Thanks for the recommendation.
Etrian Odyssey IV sounds cool too, I love old-school dungeon crawlers.

You seem to have good taste. Got any more suggestions? :D
One game i don't hear much about where i live (don't know about other places to compare) is Monster Hunter. It's a great grinding and hunting game that i love to play in free times.
Box Boy , pushmo , crashmo ,
Dragon's lair 1 & 2 , Space Ace ,
Mutant Mudds , Retro City Rampage ,
Adventure Bar Story and Cube Creator 3d just to name a few. Lol!
+1 to Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. The game needs more love. Poor Luigi! :(
I only get 100% completion if I like the game enough. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is one of those select few.
Id like to add Yokai Watch to my list. Im hopelessly addicted.
I liked The Sims 3 on the system though I may be in the minority.
@GunGunW , I am a HUGE fan of the Sims series. I try to collect as many packs and versions as I can. But when it comes to the Nintendo 3DS version, I just can't. The concept of using a small screen for such big pictures is so difficult for me. However, even the Wii is difficult to use, too. I'm much for the retro versions of Sims.

@Shane , Actually, Nintendo is selling Story of Seasons for $29.00 virtually. It's their 30% off sale that they are currently having for online purchases that ends 9am PT tomorrow (April 21, 2016). So hopefully others are able to purchase it and check it out! (Especially when at a great deal!)

Edit: If anyone is interested in buying games via online during Nintendo's sale, click here! There are quite a bit of popular games on sale, and even underrated ones that have been mentioned in this thread!
Well after 100 hours i put Yokai Watch to bed. Very fun game, but i did get a little discouraged with the "catching monsters" deal. I know it comes with the territory. So my question to you all is this: What's next for me? I have my eyes on Legend of Legacy, Stella Glow, Pokemon X and Fire Emblem Awakening. Any suggestions or otherwise for these titles would be appreciated!
@Shane sweet bro! thanks. i had the one for DS, forgot the name, and played it through twice without flinching. Good stuff!