Using the Kinect

danielle davidson

Active Member
Jul 11, 2015
Wii Mini
I bought my Xbox when I did because I wanted to make sure that I got the Kinect with it. It seeemed like it would be really cool because there are so many more games you will be able to play. After I got it, I would use it a lot for the dances games but then I got bored with it. I just wouldn't use it anymore, and I don't really use it anymore now. I don't think it's a waste of money because I do use it at parties and stuff like that, but that's it. So, how often do you use your kinect?
If we still had it, I'd be using it. Bowling and such were fun since there were no remotes involved, and some of the party games were hilarious to drink and try to party to with a bunch of friends. But I haven't used it for like six months, so I sold it off to get something else. I enjoyed it for what it was, but it seemed underdeveloped and too highly pushed on consumers as something you needed as a package with the Xbox, which kind of turned me off from it in the long run. Never got the attention it truly deserved. It could have rivaled the WII.
The kinect does seem like a great party toy. Everyone can get into the fun. But once you are alone, is it really that great after all? If your alone I don't think party games are going to be that fun. If you have the money and the friends, then it might be a good option to get. If not, then save the money and get the cheaper package.
Indeed, it's really just a lifestyle choice, unless the kinect is needed for your games or software, there's just no reason to get it unless you plan on playing sports everyday of the week, or partying with friends.
The kinect does seem like a great party toy. Everyone can get into the fun. But once you are alone, is it really that great after all? If your alone I don't think party games are going to be that fun. If you have the money and the friends, then it might be a good option to get. If not, then save the money and get the cheaper package.

Yeah, exactly! I noticed that the only time I will use it is when I'm having a party. I mean it's great because everyone wants to play because then you can play those dance games with your friends. I mean my sister and I used to play them together all the time, so then it worked out good. But, right now I wouldn't think that they are worth using. I don't use mine usually.
By yourself, it's hard to find games properly coded to have fun with the Kinect. Kinect is "USED" in some of these very well, but it's not geared or designed to be played by one player playing the game itself. Unless you're into playing party games by yourself. Then knock yourself out! Haha.
By yourself, it's hard to find games properly coded to have fun with the Kinect. Kinect is "USED" in some of these very well, but it's not geared or designed to be played by one player playing the game itself. Unless you're into playing party games by yourself. Then knock yourself out! Haha.

Haha I know what you mean. I don't like to play them by myself. The only time that I did that was to get some exercise. I think that it would be a good tool for that, but nothing else. I just think that they are dated. I was actually surprised to hear that they are making the Xbox one come with them.
They were making them come with them, and I don't know anymore. I knew they were pushing it for awhile and that my friends already had Xbox 1's with Kinects as part of the package deal, so I never really knew much about them other than I barely used them for the 360 aside from partying. Kinect commands seemed laggy at launch of the one, and no games really incorporated them much so I didn't know that they were even still being used, to be completely honest.
They were making them come with them, and I don't know anymore. I knew they were pushing it for awhile and that my friends already had Xbox 1's with Kinects as part of the package deal, so I never really knew much about them other than I barely used them for the 360 aside from partying. Kinect commands seemed laggy at launch of the one, and no games really incorporated them much so I didn't know that they were even still being used, to be completely honest.

Huh, I mean I wouldn't be surprised if they were not being used anymore. I just think that people who are loyal to Xbox will stay even if they don't want the kinect. I mean I doubt I'll buy the Xbox one and that is one reason why. I mean I already have one and don't use it, so why would I want another?

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