Vigilante suggestion


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
I think we are looking at innovation the wrong way. We keep looking for combat maneuvers to make the game innovative, but we need to look at special characteristics too. In the game Zelda A Link Between Worlds, Link can become a painting if I remember right. It makes the game innovative and fun, yet just barely improves his fighting. Also, in an episode of the TV show Supergirl, Supergirl faced off against a character that could become electricity, traveling through wires, etc. Although something like this has already been used in games, not sure about electricity though, I think @Jack Lovejoy should implement something like this. A simple transformation of the character.

What do you think? Got any ideas? The character is a demon, so what would he transform into? What about a pig? Maybe a pig can sneak past guards, but not the butcher?
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Well, I was thinking of the same thing like that. My concept is sort of like a mix of Bayonetta's climax and Sonic's color power, where Lucifer can engulf himself in his shadow.

When Lucifer's shadow covers his entire body, he can take on any shape or form, like a wolf that dashes into enemies until the timer wears off.

I would call this Shadow Unleash and you can collect it by performing different combos within the stages. Like for example, if you want Shadow Charge, it costs you 30 combos on your combo meter.
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So does the shadow ability have to give the powers of a shape or form or could it be elements + mythical elements?

Fire - melts ice blocks, is immune to physical damage but is vunerable to water

Water - can cause waves to wear away earth/rock blocks, can put out fire but is vunerable to the cold

Air - can move fast and through almost anything that isn't air tight - weak against fire

Earth - can create stone/earth and also cause crashng physical attacks - weak against water

'Mythical' elements:

Shadow - imune to damage but can only exist in the light (when shadows could be cast - be this sun light or torch light)

Nature - something with vines and climbling? maybe being clever with entanglement?
Well, Shadow abilities are not based off of mythical elements, but that could be used in a future game. Right now, I am thinking of something like:

Shadow Charge: Gains the ability to charge into enemies

Shadow Flight: Can fly for a short amount of time

Shadow Shoot: Can launch limitless bullets of darkness

Shadow Sneak: Can attack enemies without being noticed.

Shadow Wind: Can launch enemies in a tornado that wears down their health over time.

Shadow Titan: Can only be used during boss battles and Lucifer grows into a giant that can either rip the boss's head off or some other killing finisher
The shadow abilities sound good.
Hmmm can there be some sort of chaining with them?
Flight into Charge give a kind of dive bomb attack.
Wind into flight into Charge would whip an opponent into the air where you'd fly up fast into them and tackle them strongly into the ground
Chaining could be done as a rythym or God Of War style input - you execute an ability, if the opponent ends up in the right position then things slow down and a button matching an available ability scrolls up through the screen....maybe the more abilities you chain the faster the button moves
It might be hard to flow from one attack to another.
What about the first shadow attack you use ZR + LR + whatever ability button you want to perform, then any following shadow attacks no longer need ZR + LR just the one corresponding button. This would last as long as a shadow ability was viable or the next button press was done within half a second? or something like that? it's one of those things that you need to try and test out, fiddling as you go to see how well it balances :)
I see, ok. Also, do you have any suggestions on how to activate the shadow attacks? I dont think power ups or combo costing would do. Maybe at the end of a certain combo like Bayonetta's wicked weaves?
Hmmm having some sort of meter would be good as this would put a limit on how many shadow attacks you could chain together.
Dynasty Warriors to a basic idea with meters where your standard attack builds it up, when it's full you can unleash a big attack.

Maybe have your meter filling up with standard attacks and the odd pickup but the shadow attacks can be used anytime - you don't have to wait to fill your meter up - just means if it's not full you can chain as many together.

End of a combo is nice too, just what stops you from always doing the same combo and launching into the powerful shadow abilities?

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