3DS What happened to Augmented Reality?


Active Member
Mar 20, 2013
When I first heard about and saw the 3ds one of the most intriguing things to me was the augmented reality cards. The way that a whole game could come out of a card onto my desk or even my palm and become part of the real world almost.
I love the little shooting game where the dragon statue comes to life, it's awesome but very short and leaves me wanton so much more.

What I think Nintendo should do is develop mor AR games. The ultimate would be AR Pokemon.
So when you buy the AR Pokemon game you get 6 blank AR cards. The. You play through the Pokemon game as normal ( a new adventure though ) however, when you meet up with a friend who has a 3ds ( or a stranger ) you can throw down your AR cards in front of each other and select which of your six Pokemon you want to pop out from the card and you can battle the other person right there!

Let's face it, that's the type of gaming we all want, isn't it?
I'm not sure, to be honest I couldn't seem to get in to the AR cars too much. I think that they are a cool gimmick but I would dislike having to carry them around and keep track of all of them if I had many more. I also have trouble sometimes getting them to read because of the lighting or the distance that I play from them, I play my 3ds with it fairly far away from my face but when I use AR cards I have to bring it up fairly close to make sure to get the cards when I'm playing at a table or whatnot. Also I play my DS while sitting on me bed a lot and it can turn into a pain.

That being said, I would still try them if they came out with good ones.
Oh yeah, I remember that. I didn't think much of it at the time because I didn't think it was really going to happen. I don't think it's that much of a stretch, but it was probably just not quite there yet and the announcement was a bit premature.
I don't even remember this thing. I want to say I do, but to be honest I don't I think its much more than a gimmick. I mean it just doesn't seem especially feasible on the one hand, and it is kind of boring? on the other. Then again Nintendo might take it on board in order to get a bit back from Sony.
Developers forgot about augmented reality, both on 3DS and mobile phones. Remember how popular those star gazing apps for iPhone were for a while? And then most of them sort of fell of the radar.

I wouldn't write off augmented reality as a gimmick, but any new technology needs a killer app, and AR never got one, so it took the backseat to other "cool" features like retina displays etc.
I guess it does depend on the developers' interest. It really does seem like a gimmick, though, and I can see why they didn't use it. Still, I kind of hope that they do more with it in the future because I'm curious to see where it goes.
I thought the AR cards and games were fun for about an hour, than they got pretty boring. Although it was cool to see mario on my bed :)
Donkey Punch said:
Developers forgot about augmented reality, both on 3DS and mobile phones. Remember how popular those star gazing apps for iPhone were for a while? And then most of them sort of fell of the radar.

I wouldn't write off augmented reality as a gimmick, but any new technology needs a killer app, and AR never got one, so it took the backseat to other "cool" features like retina displays etc.
Yeah. It was pretty cool but maybe the 3D technology isn't quite up to snuff for it yet. So many people get headaches from it that they made a 2DS. It was kind of hard to keep the 3DS in one place though, so it's definitely not for everyone. A Pokemon integration would be killer though. That'd be a lot more work than they already did, but they do have 3D Pokemon models, so why not? Maybe we can pester Nintendo into working on that for the next one. Maybe even if they do a reboot for RSE!
i could never get the extra large card to work. this was a cool idea though
Can someone please explain the concept of AR to me? I have not given it much research, but I'm curious as to what it entails.
It's these cards that come with the Nintendo 3DS and on them are different characters and when you put the character card in view of the 3DS the character appears. So for example say if I put the card on my bed, through the 3DS Kirby is sitting on my bed through the 3DS? Sorry if that was a poor way of explaining it, I tried my best.

I got bored with them after a while. I mean it was definitely cute to have Kirby sitting on my bed, but I kind of just got bored with it after a while.
AR actually protects an image into the real world? Or does it just put the picture on the 3DS screen?
It puts the picture on the 3DS screen. So you lay out this card onto a surface and through the 3DS you can see Kirby sitting on your kitchen table through the 3DS. That would be awesome if you just turned the 3DS off and Kirby was still there.
I get it now; thank you for the information. It works like a projector then? Nintendo does has some cool ideas :D
Yeah it's a projector, it's definitely an interesting idea that Nintendo has put together, but it does get old after a while.
It might also be ripe for abuse. I can just imagine the look on a parent's face, the first time their kid (probably a boy) got ahold of a naked person projection.
Well, all I can say is. AR is a gimmick. A fun gimmick but a gimmick none the less and only nintendo are going to make anything AR.
I don't think Augmented Reality is ever going to take off for gaming. Perhaps it's something that can be used in the medical field or even architects and engineers can make good use of it. If anything, gamers quickly get tired of anything that seems gimmicky and doesn't improve on the existing gaming experience.

Back in 2006-2007, we were hearing how motion controls are the new normal and that's how we will be playing games for years to come. Today motion controls are redundant, gamers quickly grew tired of them. There have also been several unsuccessful attempts to bring in Virtual Reality since the beginning of the 90's.

At the end of the day, it's all about the games combined with the easiest and most convenient method to enjoy them - that's what makes the games industry tick.
Why do I have this feeling that the same thing will happen to VR. VR was here one day just like AR was and gone tomorrow. The AR was a cool idea though. It's too bad there wasn't too much done with it.
I almost wonder if TCGs would be a good vehicle for AR to target if it actually wanted to be relevant. Pair it up with something like the Pokemon TCG, Magic the Gathering or Yugioh. Nintendo has made games for all of these before and has featured original TCGs on their systems. That might be an interesting direction to try and take. I'll try and formulate an idea for what this would entail and post it.

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