3DS What route did you pick first in Fire Emblem: Fates?


Apr 26, 2016
So, as a European, I'm eagerly waiting for FE: Fates to come out next week, and I just can't get it off my head, so here is a question: what route did you pick first, and why?

I'm probably going with Conquest first, since I like challenges, even though reviewers recommend to play Birthright first in order to fully enjoy the gameplay, which may seem underwhelming if played after the harder version.
Conquest was actually challenging at times. What I liked most about it was the variability in missions. Not every level was just "beat the boss" or "route the enemy". Many of the levels have unique quirks or objectives that require active planning and creativity, rather than just steam-rolling the enemy. I do agree with you though, I think playing Birthright after Conquest may be a bit of a disappointment with the lack of real challenge. That being said, Birthright may be more fun for creating powerhouse units that destroy everything, which is all you really want sometimes.
I did birthright first, and I recommend doing it first. Get your feet wet and get used to the new mechanics in the easier one.

Of the three routes, I foresee myself replaying birthright the least, so lackluster might end up being a good descriptor if you play it after Conquest.
Conquest was actually challenging at times. What I liked most about it was the variability in missions. Not every level was just "beat the boss" or "route the enemy". Many of the levels have unique quirks or objectives that require active planning and creativity, rather than just steam-rolling the enemy. I do agree with you though, I think playing Birthright after Conquest may be a bit of a disappointment with the lack of real challenge. That being said, Birthright may be more fun for creating powerhouse units that destroy everything, which is all you really want sometimes.

Yeah, I really liked the variety in Conquest, it's probably the entry that achieves that the best in the entire series.
Creating super-units is also loads of fun (I used to play a lot of competitive Pokémon, so I'm kind of used to it), and wireless battles and My Castle skirmishes only make it better. It made my spend 80+ hours on my first Conquest savefile just to create a team of powerhouses for the sake of it.
Seriously. Purchasing skills makes things loads easier, but it does feel kind of cheap. I'd prefer to grind the units to acquire the skills/levels/stats, but taking away the ability to grind made each level more of a intellectual challenge. "How am I going to strategically work through this level" vs just steamrolling the opponent. Pros and cons, but overall more interesting and fun.
I obviously picked up Conquest first. I just felt that it had better things to offer like a variety of mission objectives and more challenge.

Birthright honestly is a joke and if you already played Awakening, its on the same level of challenge here.
I picked Conquest first because I didn't look into the games to avoid spoilers and I had no clue that Conquest was the tougher one but it was way more fun than Birthright considering it's more like a game of Chess, one mistake can take away a unit's life.
I haven't played the third path but I played both Birthright and Conquest. And Conquest, conquered my heart (hahaha, see what I did there).

1. Characters are better overall in Conquest. The supports are cooler and give you more information on the story, their personalities are not as annoying, AND YOU GET TO PLAY WITH THE KIDS OF SOME OF THE CHARACTERS OF AWAKENING. The only downside is that it is really difficult to get the supports because your gridding is limited to WiFi if you don't buy the DLCs.

2. Story is better in Conquest. There were many stuff that were never answered in Birthright.

3. Conquest is must challenging and more entertaining for me.
This feels like a good place to ask......
I am one of those who were disappointed that they cut or changed some content that is present in the Japanese version due to "reasons". For those who are familiar with both the Japanese and English version, is there any noticeable differences?

Exactly what kind of content is removed from the English version? Fire Emblem is one of my favourite gaming franchises, I thought I saw a kind of revival with Fire Emblem Awakening, but was super bummed out by all these drama with the release of Fire Emblem Fates.

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