I have always have a soft spot for Luigi. I am not sure why before, but lately I figured out why. Back when Super Mario Bros was all the rage in Super Nintendo, my cousins and I would compete who could beat a level faster/reach the next level faster/beat Bowser/etc
But I don't have a Super Nintendo, so I would went to their places and play with them. Remember that if two players play the game, player 2 would have a green palette swap of mario? Yeah, being the one with the second game controller, of course I would be the one playing as Luigi.
I didn't realize that was suppose to be the younger brother back then. I just think of it as the "Green Mario" that I would always get to control while my cousins get the "Red Mario". I guess when you spend a lot of time using the same avatar you would grew to be fond of that particular avatar?
So yeah, I have always prefer the "Green Mario" that introduced me to the Super Mario game franchise. It was years later that I learn he got a new design: A taller, slimmer, and has a new name called Luigi. Whenever I got my hands on a new Mario game Luigi would be the first character I chose.
Couldn't be happier when I found out about Luigi's Mansion, Luigi own spin-off game where he is the main protagonist