Wii Wii on eBay?


Oct 27, 2012
I saw a Wii on ebay for as low as $70.00.Thing is, I wouldn't know what games to get along with it.The only experience I have with Nintendo are the N64 and the handhelds.

Anyone have recommendations?
It's hard to recommend games when you've got nothing to go by - what genre of games are you interested in? Action? Adventure?
A lot of used Wii systems have problems with the laser in the DVD drive reading discs properly.

You should wait 3 weeks and get a Wii U. :)
This is true, I would personally wait, though at $70 for a gaming console, it's hard to beat that price. It might be OK to hold off a year until the price comes down, as it usually does.
With Wii U nearing launch there are some great deals to be had on older games by sellers who plan on using the money to upgrade. The price will drop a little further after Wii U launches as people sell their "old" games to buy new ones but as a collector I know I'll be adding a lot of titles and keeping my *old* games.
I picked up a Wii for £30 on ebay with no games and it is working like a dream!
I went down to my local CEX and picked up Twilight princes and a bunch of other games for between £3 and £7!

How wonderful it is when games and console get old :)
WOW. THIS HASN'T BEEN COMMENTED ON IN OVER 2 YEARS! But I recommend getting Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii.
I'm into all genres really.I guess I'd have to say I'm more interested in fighting, shooting, and platform games.
The Wii has a great variety of games so it won't be difficult to find something that fits your interests. The very best shooting game on the system is Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, you simply can't go wrong with this one. Tons of hardcore fighting games are also available such as Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, The King of Fighters Collection: The Orochi Saga & Samurai Showdown Anthology. And there's a whole slew of platform games available, from Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 all the way through to Donkey Kong Country Returns.
I think you can find a Wii cheaper than that nowadays at your local gaming store. Someone also just posted that there are games at Game Stop for as cheap as 89 cents if you have one that is in your area.

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