GameCube Would you like to see another system similar to the GCN?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
What I mean is, a console without motion control or a tablet. Something that is similar to the original gamecube in terms of quality titles and the controller? I definitely would. I thought the GC was by far Nintendo's most mature console and bought it for 3 to 4 titles, ended up keeping it for well over 10 great ones. :)
Half and half for me. One of the things I've always liked about Nintendo is that they try new things with each console. Each one has a unique property that was either copied or completely lacking in it's competition. I do not for a second argue that this has always worked out for them! The N64 controller was a complete mess and I'm not especially fond of the WIi's controller either.

The trick is one of utility. The standard PS controller, very much an extention of the SNES controller as Sony and Nintendo partnered to create it, among other things, is standard for a reason. The current layout gives a great many points of input which, in modern games powered by ever more capable computer builds, are giving developers far more options concerning what a player can do in game. But the controller is always the bottle neck.

Take the Wii for example. One of it's biggest drawbacks, in my little opinion, is that it was too simplistic. The motion controll was a stroke of genius though I argue poorly implimented. However, because it lacked a sophisticated button layout that permitted for a great deal of user input, games that would have been fully free on any other system had to be "on-rails" on the Wii. Games like Other M actually had to pause the action to switch to first person mode, which is profoundly unforgivable in an action game, in my point of view.

So, you have a situation where you can either continue the highly versatile standard controller layout, understanding that it is standard for very good reasons, or you can attempt innovation and assume the risks that what you put out may fall short of the standard and hobble creativity. At the end of the day it's all about utility. Shooters are emulating Call of Duty's button control left and right for the same reason platformers emulated the Super Mario Bros formula back in the day. It works, and it works amazingly well. THere are very good arguments for both innovation and adhering to the standard.
I'm not a big fan of the Gamecube. I mean I enjoyed several of the titles for the game, but it wasn't a favorite (of course... I did have other choices). I would have to say my favorite Nintendo system is the 64 followed by the Wii which of course makes me a horrible person. Ah, well.
I'm getting tired of all of the new consoles trying to revolutionize everything. The best innovation from the past decade was the wireless controller, but everything else was forgettable. Accessories are one thing, but making them standard just feels unnecessary. The Gamecube was one of my most prized posessions once I got it. My friend and I played the heck out of it, and for good reason.
I love the GameCube controller because it's incredibly comfortable and well-built. Apart from the very small d-pad, it's an almost perfect controller. The GameCube was also fairly powerful for it's time, I'd love to see Nintendo go back and start releasing systems that rival their competitors in terms of performance. I also like the small footprint of the GC, and I hope the upcoming NX will also be small in size.
I would love that. The GameCube was the last standard console they ever made and I would love them to return to that. I hope the Wii U has taught them that but I honestly doubt it.
I'm getting tired of all of the new consoles trying to revolutionize everything. The best innovation from the past decade was the wireless controller, but everything else was forgettable. Accessories are one thing, but making them standard just feels unnecessary. The Gamecube was one of my most prized posessions once I got it. My friend and I played the heck out of it, and for good reason.

This thread is old as hell (can we even revive threads?) but I absolutely agree with this.
Lately every game console is trying to be the best and have everything when the simplest things are the ones that, at least for me, give me more pleasure to play. It's the reason why I still love going to my friends house to play with his Gamecube!
The GameCube was a quiet and humble success. Replicating that experience is crucial.
Definitely, in fact I'm quite puzzled as to why the Nintendo franchise isn't competing with Microsoft and Sony with the generic game consoles. Nintendo has always been the more exotic type of company with new ideas and innovations but really, all we need is a good generic console for the today's game market. No, touch, no shaking or motion tracking, just a new good generic system with basic controllers. I would definitely support that.
I would like to see that to be honest, but it will take too much on the gamecube concept and the newer gen would be seen as just a reproduced object rather then a new console-concept.

About the console and controller? What did you have in mind?
I think it would be a flatter console and not so much of 'cube' anymore.
Also I think the controller would be more square-cornerd with ofcourse a soft touch to it.
(These ideas are mostly based on what I see with the controllers and consoles when it comes to the newer gens).

And the older games bringing back to live would be a nice idea, but that is also a thing.
The Nintendo gamecube games all have on thing in common, their concepts arent too complicated.
They all have an easy concept to understand, there is detail but it isnt completly covered by it.
I think that is also holding me back because I like to understand a game without having to search everything up out of curiousity.
Curiousity kills the cat for me haha.

I feel like these next gen games are getting complicated when it comes to the back information of the game, it is getting sometimes a bit out of the logical mindset of just a casual gamer. I like details and a good backstory, but sometimes less is more.
The most easy concepts win the most people.*

I think Nintendo would have a hard time pleasing older gen gamers and newer gen gamers in one try of it.
Especially with children, because lets be honest, a big part of the Nintendo gaming industry is foccussed on getting kids to play games, and ofcourse also the entire family for a bigger income on their games.

But here is another thing we like so much about the Nintendo gamecube: The variety of games by diffrent gamedevelopers.
Remember all those games that you could also play on the ps2 and xbox? That was because Nintendo had some good deals back then, but since a couple years those types of games are not in the bussiness anymore. The big variety of all kinds of games are missing on the Nintendo consoles these days, mostly it is only the typicall Nintendo franshise games. (Wich arent bad) but who is going to play medal of honour on a new Nintendo gen for example? Or soul calibur? I dont see it happing soon.

I thing it would be no succes for both new generation gamers and older generation gamers, and lets be honest, there wouldnt be a console who can beats over any other console because of the vibe.

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