Wii U Xenoblade Chronicles X Playing Impressions


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2014
Wii U
Hey guys. I just bought XCX at my local Target yesterday. I haven't played much, but it is fun. It starts out a bit slow, and it is really tempting to skip the cut scenes when you get to NLA, but don't! They are helpful and they help you figure out what is going on. I just took out my first tyrant on my training mission to plant down the data probe. It felt EPIC. Taking out your first BIG enemy just feels so sweet. I heard online that the first couple hours of the game are slow, so I will keep on going and probably make an update on how I think the game is when I get a bit further and when I am allowed to go explore and do whatever I want. And I have never played the original Xenoblade Chronicles (Heck, I didn't even know what the game was or who Shulk was till he was announced for Smash! :D), or even played an RPG in general! Plus the scale of the world and graphics that go along with it are stunning as well. I am still waiting for my 32gb flash drive to come from Amazon so I can download the data packs and make it look even more sick! Anyways, tell me how you guys are experiencing it and how you like it down below! Peace! :)
JEALOUS! that game looks awesome for real. Keep us updated
I actually just got the game in the mail from GameFly yesterday and started playing it today. My initial reactions so far are that it's good, but I don't love it. Maybe that'll change as I play the game more. Some things I like and dislike about it are:
+ It has a huge open world, I love those kind of games. I've heard it's larger than Skyrim, Fallout 4, and The Witcher 3.
- However, that comes at a cost. It doesn't feel as lively as any of those three worlds
+ It's a cool blend of sci fi and fantasy which is always nice. I'm a huge fan of space science fiction.
- The character customization leaves much to be desired
- The sound track isn't appealing to me
- The battle system is complicated, but that's on me more than anything.
I am only about like 2 hours in, but I heard at about 3 hours is when it starts getting good. I know I have had the game for a little bit now, but I have been practicing a lot of Smash 4 (I am only allowed to play for like 45 mins - 1 hour a day), so I haven't had much time for it, but I am going to be playing it more now. I am hoping it hooks me really good once I hit 3 h.
wow y'all are killing me! i kinda hope it's under the tree. From what i've seen it looks like its on another level
For what it's worth, I think it's my favorite Wii U game this year.
I'm always cautious with hype and I don't form extravagant expectations, but it does look rather good! Can't wait to get my hands on it! Hopefully later this month...
Don't worry @dustinb12 , I'm sure you'll get it soon! As for me, I got XCX for Christmas and I've been loving it since. I've always wanted to play a really big open-world game but unfortunately I haven't been able to play one (except LoZ: Twilight Princess if you count that and maybe some others) until I got this game. I really had fun making my avatar with all the many different options you had, but the main thing I loved in the game was exploring and knowing I could go anywhere in it. I also love the battling, even if it is a little complicated.

One of my only dislikes is how NLA is kind of uninteresting to me and I don't really have a desire to explore that, even the residential and city. I also don't like the music in the game too much, especially NLA's music. Another downside is how nighttime seems to last longer than daytime (I know it doesn't make sense) but maybe that's just me.

But overall, it's easily my favorite game on the Wii U and maybe one of the best games on the system to me next to Super Mario Maker and LoZ: Wind Waker HD. :D
Probably my game of the year. I thought Witcher 3 had it in the bag until this came out. Love it. Awesome enemy and world design as well as an awesome soundtrack and amazing combat system.
Well I just got this and started playing today. I'm only a couple hours in, and it looks great so far, but it's very complex, it'll get some time getting used to. Not digging the silent protagonist thing, though.
If I wеrе tо dеsсribе my 70 hоurs withXеnоblаdе Xin оnе wоrd, it wоuld bе “bоrеdоm.” Thе mаin stоry did littlе tо gеt mе invеstеd, thе sidе quеsts wеrе rеpеtitivе аt bеst, аnd thе соmbаt wаs а pаinfully mоnоtоnоus slоg еvеn with thе аdvаnсеd сlаssеs unlосkеd.Thе gаmе’s оnе rеdееming fеаturе is thе wоrld оf Mirа itsеlf. In thе yеаrs tо соmе, I hоpе thаt thе hоurs I spеnt еxplоring bеаutiful lаndsсаpеs оf this аliеn wоrld аrе whаt I rеmеmbеr аbоutXеnоblаdе X, аnd nоt, yоu knоw, еvеrything еlsе.
I've never played a Xenoblade game. I'm feeling like I'm missing out on something big.
I actually just got the game in the mail from GameFly yesterday and started playing it today. My initial reactions so far are that it's good, but I don't love it. Maybe that'll change as I play the game more. Some things I like and dislike about it are:
+ It has a huge open world, I love those kind of games. I've heard it's larger than Skyrim, Fallout 4, and The Witcher 3.
- However, that comes at a cost. It doesn't feel as lively as any of those three worlds
+ It's a cool blend of sci fi and fantasy which is always nice. I'm a huge fan of space science fiction.
- The character customization leaves much to be desired
- The sound track isn't appealing to me
- The battle system is complicated, but that's on me more than anything.

Now that I've played a couple dozen hours, I have a clearer impression of the game.
I agree and disagree with some of these points:

-Character creation: In my experience Japanese games are always lacking here (compare Dark Souls to Dragon Age, for example) but the one in XCX is remarkably bad! :p
-Huge world: It's quite massive, yes, but somehow I thought it'd be significantly bigger than it actually is. Granted, I've only been to 3 of the 5 regions, but perhaps I believed all the hype and set myself an expectation for a much bigger world than it already is.
-Soundtrack: I feel very ambivalent here. I love the exploration music to Primordia, I think it's a classical example of modern Japanese compositions. Japan must have excellent music academies, the music they typically make for this sort of stuff is always superbly done, delightfully melody-oriented. Anyone, especially Nintendo fans, can see this. I mean Koji Kondo? Legend. But also Shunsuke Kida on Demon's Souls, one of the most praised scores of recent years, or the ever-magnificent Akira Yamaoka of Silent Hill fame.
On the other hand, themusic to New LA... seriously? The persistent wannabe energetic trash can drum, 1998 guitar riff and directionless poppy wannabe soulful vocals of the daytime theme Ifind obnoxious, it gives me a headache within 5 minutes and the inability to change the track means I avoid a central and key area of the I'dotherwise enjoy solely on account of the terrible music. It's incessantly repetitive, even if you love it you'll end up hating it within several hours worth of gameplay. And the hip-hopish night theme is even worse.
-Comat: It feels a little flat to me. I don't feel I can overcome higher level creatures by good tactics alone, and leveled monsters usually die before I can tactically disable a limb. It feels like you can tailor yourself a combo or two and just repeat the same battle mechanics. Very grindy.

I realize most of my comments are not very positive, but I'm actually loving the game. I definitely agree with the nearly ubiquituous sentiment I've heard and read that the best part about the game is the world itself. Ilove exploring and getting lost in the immense, epic landscapes with a lively varietyof grandiose and bizarre creatures.

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