Nintendo 64 Favorite N64 games?


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2013
Mine were GoldenEye and Star Wars Episode I: Pod Racer

What about you guys?

The N64 has alot of games in it's library and I'd love to see what you guys like?
Despite not many people liked, I loved Nintendo 64. My favorites games are: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Rogue Squadron, Mario 64, Mario Party, Mario Kart...There are lots of memories associated with that console
I second Ocarina of Time-it was one of the better Zelda games I played. The N64 was not one of my favorites, but there are a few games I liked. Doom 64 was a cool game, and an interesting port of the PC version. Unlike the Doom games on the other systems, Nintendo attempted to add a new element-monsters etc. Quake was another good game on the system, and I actually enjoyed playing War Gods.
I have to go with Resident Evil 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Well, that may have been the name I wanted to give it. I can, still to this day, sit down and play that game for hours. Resident Evil, IMHO, made a mistake changing the format from the static camera angles. I LOVED those! They added to the scare factor. I understand why they did it but, perhaps in the next one, they can add an option of returning them to the game when you beat the original?
I just never could force myself to get into the Resident Evil games. The movies pretty much sucked, but I don't judge the games by that. If I were to pick a Resident Evil game to start with, which one would you suggest? If the stories are connected between games, the answer is obvious I suppose.
Thomas Ennis said:
I just never could force myself to get into the Resident Evil games. The movies pretty much sucked, but I don't judge the games by that. If I were to pick a Resident Evil game to start with, which one would you suggest? If the stories are connected between games, the answer is obvious I suppose. can really play any of them and catch up pretty quickly with the recaps in every game. You know which game I would suggest? Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles for Wii. Having knowledge of the games preceding this one only helps in a nostalic way. Where you are playing the game & go: I remember that!

It's a rail shooter on the Wii. I had tons of fun with this game. Especially because I had the accessories and I played with other people. Good times.
Thank you for the guidance Joan : ) Sometimes a franchise becomes so popular, it turns me off. I don't know if that makes sense, but a popular franchise comes with a few risks; one of them being, sub par games released to cash in on the popularity.
Not a problem. I know the feeling. I have a tough time trying to get into Final Fantasy because of the hype and length of gaming from the first to where they are now. It feels more like a burden than a fun game but I know that this is primarily because I have a tough time generally with RPGs.
My absolute favorite N64 game was definitely Pokemon Stadium. I was either three or four years old when i got my Gameboy Color and Pokemon Silver and fell in love with Pokemon, especially when I learned how to save a couple years later! I made it my life mission to beat every Pokemon game, until I got Diamond for my DS and began to notice how Pokemon was (and is) changing. Being the Pokefan that I was, it was incredible to experience actual battles on the N64 exactly how i imagined it would be from playing on my Gameboy.
I would say Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo 64 game. I used to play it with my friends and family, which we would spend all days in the weekend. Plus, in could play Mario Kart over and over against because it didn't seem to end because it was the kind of game you could play more than once. It was the best game I played on Nintendo 64.
JoanMcWench said:
Not a problem. I know the feeling. I have a tough time trying to get into Final Fantasy because of the hype and length of gaming from the first to where they are now. It feels more like a burden than a fun game but I know that this is primarily because I have a tough time generally with RPGs.
The cool thing about Final Fantasy is that you don't have to play from 1. They're not directly connected :)
I played through all FF titles up to Final Fantasy X. Planning on continue sometime soon.
Anyway, I suggest you start with Final Fantasy 8, then FF7. After that, you can play any of 'em :)
I really liked FF7, 8, 9 and Tactics Advance :)
Also, if you have the chance, you'll probably like Kingdom Hearts :)

Now, on topic:
I loved playing Bomberman on the n64 (don't remember the full game-name).
My friends hated me for always beating them :lol:
I've played Kingdom heart but I'm not sure I gave it enough of a real chance. I was just not invested. Heard lots of good things though.

I think it actually was Bomberman 64 and I enjoyed that game as well.
My Favorite N64 games are Super Mario 64, Wave Race, Pilot Wings 64, 1080 Snowboarding, Rayman 2, Resident Evil 2, Donkey Kong 64, WCW VS NWO World Tour, Tony Hawk's Skateboarding, Perfect Dark, Golden Eye 007 & MRC.

I know it's a lot of games. But those games are more favorite. all equals.
JoanMcWench said:
I've played Kingdom heart but I'm not sure I gave it enough of a real chance. I was just not invested. Heard lots of good things though.

I think it actually was Bomberman 64 and I enjoyed that game as well.
It's a little weird to get into the game in the beginning (just like Final Fantasy games). But after you get the hang of it, you can't stop playing.
The story is wonderful, the characters development is fantastic and you'll just grow to love the game :)

I would also recommend The Last Remnant. Very interesting action RPG ;)
Very convincing...luring me into RPG with an action element. Scoundrel. So, between The Last Remnant and Kingdom Hearts. I'll choose one and finish. Or try REALLY REALLY hard to finish.
Did you hear, they are releasing FFX for the PS3? I am pretty exicted, but I won't buy it if it's like 50 bucks. I miss playing that one.
Thomas Ennis said:
I just never could force myself to get into the Resident Evil games. The movies pretty much sucked, but I don't judge the games by that. If I were to pick a Resident Evil game to start with, which one would you suggest? If the stories are connected between games, the answer is obvious I suppose.
In their own way the movies were actually quite faithful to the games - the games don't make much sense, they don't connect very well, and the more recent games are mostly there to be pretty. That said the earlier in the series you go the better off you generally are.

Back on topic - Pokemon Stadium, Mario 64, and Golden Eye.

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