Favorite PC Game

The Sims 2 is my favorite by far.
I haven't played many PC games, but I would say Age of Empires. Yes, they are old, but they're actually quite addicting and fun to play in my opinion.

Here's some pictures:

(Original Age of Empires)

(Age of Empires II)

(Age of Empires III)

I recommend it to anyone who likes strategy games. ^^
I'm going to say Oregon Trail or Sim City. Yeah I know I'm showing my age with that answer. Lol! Age of Empires is in there also.
I haven't played many PC games, but I would say Age of Empires. Yes, they are old, but they're actually quite addicting and fun to play in my opinion.

Have you tried Age of Empires 2 HD on Steam?
It's awesome seeing that game revived, and the new expansions are pretty nifty as well!
If you have it or get it at some point, let's have a game! I'm not very good, but I sure do love that game!
League of Legends.... Undertale.... and some of the fan games made over on Starman.net.
Have you tried Age of Empires 2 HD on Steam?
It's awesome seeing that game revived, and the new expansions are pretty nifty as well!
If you have it or get it at some point, let's have a game! I'm not very good, but I sure do love that game!
There's an HD remake for Age of Empires 2? That sounds awesome! :D I don't have it, though, and I currently don't have anything to do with Steam, much less know what it's about. But I hope I can get it and play it with you someday. Also, I'm not the best either. ^.^ Thanks for telling me about it! :)
@ChibiChan12 Sure thing! :D
Well, Steam is an online store and platform for PC gaming. It's owned by Valve (makers of Half-Life, Portal and Left 4 Dead) and you can download a small program on your compuer where you can buy from among thousands of games (usually at very good prices, plus there's sales very often) and the same program allows you to download your games and keep them updated. It also has multiplayer support functionality (remember how hard it was coordinating an online game on Age of Empires back in the day? No more!) for most games, and you can also add friends on Steam, see what they've been playing and easily set up games with them. I highly recommend it. :D

Actually, let me know if you get Steam. I may have an extra copy of Age 2 HD, and if not, I can probably gift it to you sometime soon after I clear a couple of debts. :p
Ah, I see. Thank you for telling me about Steam, @CemeteryGates23, it sounds like a good store. :) I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it anytime soon or not, but if I do, I'll make sure to tell you. The online multiplayer for AoE and other PC games sounds cool, since I've never experienced online stuff for AoE. Thank you again for telling me about it! :p
There are a lot of games I like but GTA2 will have a special place in my heart forever, because I used to play it at the "games computer" at school. Good times... I also like The Sims. And Undertale has been my latest addiction.
Grand Theft Auto IV and V. I don't get games a lot and having an all in one beast like the GTA series is like having every possible game out there. Driving, shooting, fighting, flying planes, boats etc. GTA really does a number on other games out there. But I do like the Call of Duty franchise as well. Before the futuristic settings, I enjoyed Modern Warfare, World at War, MW3 and my all time favorite was Black Ops.

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