Pokemon GO - What do you think?


Sep 3, 2015
Greetings everyone! Recently came across the new release for Pokemon GO and wanted to know what everyone was thinking. I was quite excited at first glance but still have a lot of questions concerning the logistics of the game. If I understood correctly we will be able to virtually catch Pokemon based on our current location, and this may affect the types of Pokemon available to us. Furthermore we will be able to battle with rivals who are close by.

I have very high expectations ( hopefully will not be disappointed ) especially knowing that Google Earth co-creator is helping develop the game with regards to GPS technology. I believe this is a big step in the virtual gaming world. The APP is to be launched in 2016, but not much is still available to the public.

I wanted to know your opinions / concerns / and possible problems with this new system! Are you as hyped as I am?

For further information concerning POKEMON GO please visit the official website: here
There is a lot of information on the internet and most of it is wrong...
First of all, it's going to be FREE?! Haha, that's the first thing I was concerned with: the cost. So it'll be free-to-play but there will be in-app purchases as well. That's fine, they have to make money somehow.

Now that it's out of the way, wow, that seems pretty cool actually. The way that it incorporates the real world with catching Pokémon is pretty cool. It reminds me a bit of the Watch_Dog app they released when the game came out. You basically used Google Maps to "hack" real world locations.

The Pokémon GO Plus device seems interesting too, although I don't really see myself, a grown man, wearing a Pokémon bracelet around the neighbourhood.
It looks really cool but I am trying to keep my hopes relatively low, so that I do not get disappointed.
No @Y0shiM0n , get stoked! Get pumped! The video even promises that you'll meet cute girls if you play the game (that video is hilarious; so dramatic and trying so hard to be something everyone can relate to).

I convinced my girlfriend that it would be hilarious if we went Pokémon hunting in our suburban neighbourhood, so I'll definitely download it and try it out. We all know it won't look anything like in the video. It's not like Pokémon are going to perfectly fit with whatever city you're in so I'm sure there will be some pretty funny Pokémon screenshots taken. That's a reason in itself to get excited. ;) :D
First of all, it's going to be FREE?! Haha, that's the first thing I was concerned with: the cost. So it'll be free-to-play but there will be in-app purchases as well. That's fine, they have to make money somehow.

The Pokémon GO Plus device seems interesting too, although I don't really see myself, a grown man, wearing a Pokémon bracelet around the neighbourhood.

These are two very good points! In-app purchases are fine if they are not abusive. I understand that Nintendo needs to make money off this game but needing to pay to progress in the game is a big turn off for me. I hope the ads (if there are any) will be under control as some games are almost impossible to play with all the advertisements that constantly pops-up!

I'm not sure about the Pokémon bracelet either, I don't see myself wearing it where I am from :p If wearing it is a requirement or makes the game more fun maybe I'll keep it in my pocket...

Freemium pretty much killed anything I felt for it. Can't catch that Arbok? No problem, you can pick up 20 Ultraballs for the modest fee of $14.99!
Such BS...

EDIT: And yeah, obviously they have to make some money, but why not charge the game instead? Because freemium sells insane amounts, it's better business, but it's a spit on the face of all long-time fans who have been playing since the GameBoy days. I can't come up with a single freemium game that was worth spending money on, or that I played for more than a year. In the end it's just consumerism, one could argue that a game you bought is hardly played for a year (but then we'd enter the argument of the intended shelf life) or that one spends $15 on three cups of coffee either way.
I suppose it's just my personal opinion, but I really despise the freemium model. I think it lowers the generalized quality of the video-game industry.
@CemeteryGates23 I hear ya regarding freemium crap. I especially hate the daily limits type of games, where you have to keep logging in every day, you can only do 5 things and then wait 24 hours. I hope it won't be like that, where you can only catch a maximum of Pokémon per day or you can only get Pokéballs if you share on Facebook, etc. I'll quit the game pretty quick if that's the model they choose.
We're getting closer and closer to them announcing a release date for this, and I'm kind of stoked about it.

Did anyone catch the Superbowl ad? Here it is:

Train on, indeed.

Supposedly they will announce a release date at the 2016 GDC show in March. There's also talk that this won't be the only Pokémon news...
In March? Wow, that isn't too far away. Pokemon Go looks like so much fun ^^ I have an active lifestyle anyways so I'd love to roam around and catch pokemon. What a great way to add something new to this series.
I can't wait to see how it is and try it! It'll be like real life Pokemon and it seems even more entertaining than the games and that's saying a lot. I'm looking forward to that date, they could hurry!
I haven't searched too far into it but I heard that the creator of Pokemon Go actually cancelled and won't talk about it at GDC. Maybe I heard wrong, but to me that just is a major red flag. I mean, this was a big project to take on in the first place! Maybe the plans didn't come to fruition as soon as they hoped it would.
Oh, no! Apparently tests were going to start this month in Japan.

Pokémon GO Field Testing Will Begin in Japan
March 3, 2016

The Pokémon Company and Niantic will be inviting users to field test Pokémon GO in Japan later this month. The Pokémon GO field test program will give users the opportunity to share early feedback and help improve the Pokémon GO experience. Please stay tuned for information about expansion of the field test to other markets.

Thank you for your interest in Pokémon GO.

— The Pokémon GO Development Team
I haven't searched too far into it but I heard that the creator of Pokemon Go actually cancelled and won't talk about it at GDC. Maybe I heard wrong, but to me that just is a major red flag. I mean, this was a big project to take on in the first place! Maybe the plans didn't come to fruition as soon as they hoped it would.
They cited "Wanting to focus on the project" as the reason for not showing up to that one. It's still in development as far as I know, and I can't imagine not hearing anything else before the end of the summer. Here's hoping; I want it bad!
Ouch, let's hope it doesn't get canceled. That would be really sad with all the hype surrounding it.
Exactly, that would be a shame :( and I want to catch my Pokemon :p
♪I will travel across the land searching far and wide♫
I can't believe this is actually happening.

In all seriousness, I am still excited for this, although the hype did disappear. Man, this took social media by storm the first few weeks it has been announced. Nintendo won't let us down I'm sure.
This will be a great release I'm sure, how could it be anything other than awesome? there is so little to mess up.

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