NES The Great NES 80's And it's still Great today

Aug 27, 2013
Nintendo 2DS
This brings back memories.


New Gamers will never understand how Elite Gamers play Video Games.
It bothers me so much that he entered the wrong pipe :D

I totally looked like that boy from the picture while playing. The whole world stood still while I enjoyed my gaming :)
Maybe he didn't go down the pipe. Instead he fell off the back of it.
This is me back in the 80's, very early in the morning.
I thought he was playing at night but you're right, since he's got cereal it's probably early morning in the picture.
*sigh* I wish I could find an NES in fine working condition and the Zelda games to go with it. :) I haven't played one of these in a LONG time. It would help complete my Nintendo console collection. Then, all I'd have to do is get a Wii U. LOL
You just have to look around on ebay
Wow, I haven't bought anything from ebay in years. I got burned a couple too many times and have pretty much stuck with Amazon or other online places. Any idea what one of these little gems and the Zelda games for them might run?
Nothing can beat the glory days of gaming back in the 80's. It was one of the most exciting times to be a gamer. Partly because gaming felt like you were part of an exclusive club since it wasn't as mainstream. Most kids back then were into pop music, heavy metal and horror flicks as their primary hobby.

Being a gamer sort of gave one an outsider status, which was considered either cool or nerdy depending on your general attitude, which games you played and who you associated with. For example, if you were good at Contra or Shinobi you were quite possibly the coolest kid in class.
Ah yes, getting up at the crack of down and playing for hours on end. It was especially hard to stay asleep when you got a new game. Sleepovers were fun too, usually we got in trouble for being too loud, too early in the morning! :D

I still have days that I get up early, fire up the console and play games all day.
Ah yes, getting up at the crack of down and playing for hours on end. It was especially hard to stay asleep when you got a new game. Sleepovers were fun too, usually we got in trouble for being too loud, too early in the morning! :D
The memories :love:
Even though you all make me feel really young, as I was only born in 1990 :LOL:
These vintage consoles man. Look at the price. It seems for the first 10 years, their prices depreciate, but after that, they appreciate exponentially! I'll probably keep my old consoles safe in the basement! Might have some good use in the future :D
Oh yes, I am willing to bet that more people have an NES or SNES than any other old console. I love to get out the old systems and see what things were like, plus it gives that little feeling of nostalgia for the good old days, and sometimes that can really make my day. The game that I still love to play is Paperboy, and I am still terrible at it but I still love it.

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